Our story so far

  • 2017
    • Bidcorp moves into Spain through its acquisition of a 90% stake in Guzmán Gastronomía & Cuttings (Guzmán).

      Acquisition of Pier 7, Bidfood’s entry into the German and Austrian markets.
    • Guzmán
    • Bidfood
  • 2016

    Separately listed and unbundled the Foodservice operations, renamed the entity Bid Corporation Limited (Bidcorp).

  • 2015


    Gruppo Dac
    Acquisition of a 60% stake in Gruppo Dac S.p.A, a leading Italian foodservice provider and 100% of PCL24/7 Transport Limited, a chilled products storage and distribution business in the UK.

  • 2014

    Irmãos Avelino
    Acquired a 60% stake in Distribuidora E Importadora Irmãos Avelino , a Brazilian foodservice provider.

  • 2013

    Acquisition of 51% of Aktaes Holdings, a small Turkish Foodservice provider.

  • 2012

    Deli Meals
    Acquisition of 80% of Deli Meals in Chile, our first entry into South America.

  • 2011

    Seafood Holdings Limited
    Acquired 100% of Seafood Holdings, a market leading fresh fish foodservice business operating in the United Kingdom.

    Seafood Holdings Limited
    Acquired 100% of Nowaco Baltics (Lithuania, Estonia & Latvia), a leading distributor in frozen and chilled products across the Baltic region.

  • 2009


    Acquired 94% of Nowaco, a leading foodservice provider operating in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, and 91% of Farutex, a Polish foodservice provider.

  • 2007

    Acquired 100% of Angliss, a leading foodservice wholesaler and distributor in Singapore and Hong Kong.

  • 2006

    Horeca Trade

    Deli XL
    Acquired 100% of the Netherlands and Belgium foodservice company, Deli XL and an 80% stake in Horeca Trade, a small U.A.E based foodservice distributor.

  • 2004

    Bought out the minority shareholders in Bidvest plc.

  • 2001

    John Lewis Foodservice
    John Lewis Foodservice acquired and incorporated into Bidvest Australia, creating the leading foodservice distributor in Australia.

  • 2000

    Crean first for foodservice
    Bidvest plc enters the New Zealand foodservice market with the acquisition of 100% of Crean Foodservice.

  • 1999

    Booker Foodservice, renamed 3663 First for Foodservice, acquired by Bidvest plc.

  • 1998

    Established Bidvest plc (now Bidvest Foodservice International Limited) and Bidvest Australia Limited's shares were exchanged for shares in Bidvest plc.

  • 1997

    Acquired control of Manettas following a rights offer and Manettas was renamed Bidvest Australia Limited.

  • 1995

    Bidcorp was incorporated on August 17 1995 as a private company in SA.

    Acquired an initial 40% interest in listed Australian foodservice business Manettas, the start of our business in Australia.

  • 1992

    Crown Food Holdings
    Acquired Crown Food Holdings which later merged with National Spice to form the start of BFI in South Africa.

  • 1989


    Sea World
    Acquired 100% of Chipkins followed shortly thereafter by the acquisition of Sea World signalling the start of Bidvest's foodservice operations in South Africa.